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Bay Area Cyclocross 2014

Here are some photos (and videos) captured of some of the cyclocross races that we made it out to this year.

Enjoy! All photos link to full albums.


Bay Area Super Prestige Candlestick GP Clark Natwick Race #1  

A perfectly practiced downhill remount atop suffer bridge.

Our beloved closest to home Candelstick Park location is always a dusty one.

Tobin Ortenblad


SuperPro Racing Vallejo Cougar Race

What can we say, it was hot out.


SuperPro Racing Lion of Fairfax


SuperPro Racing Stafford Lake Wildcat Race

Ornot Team Skinsuit

Ornot Team Skinsuit 2014


Bay Area Super Prestige Sierra Point Night Race #2



Bay Area Super Prestige Coyote Point Race

Ornot Team Skinsuit 2014